Hello! My full name is Tang-En Yen (just “Tang” is fine).
I am an INTJ-T, trilingual Taiwanese-born, American-raised, and Japan-employed software developer who is passionate about automation. In essence I am fluent in three spoken languages and a multitude of programming languages.
Currently my job revolves around solving clients’ hurdles related to the proper distribution, management, and tracking of advertisements and user behavior for their business(es). This includes providing advice and consultation for integration of their backend, CRMs, and front-end systems to various measurement and attribution services in order to enhance their analytical abilities and increase Revenue on Ad Spend for their marketing departments.
I often explore new ideas and opportunities to further my knowledge. However, I admit that most are impulsive and rather driven by some external motivation (examples include saving a broken hardware device by attempting to fix it myself, exploring new places to gather suitable places to take friends and family, and finding new ways to generate royalty). That said, my more consistent hobbies consist of throwing darts, shooting pool, drinking whiskey, driving and playing video games.
Some of my dreams include owning a seaside residence in Sausalito, San Francisco, making DIY furniture, owning my own business, and drinking all the kinds of Scotch in the universe.